Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Muslim-Dog Millionaire

Assalmu Alaikum!

Well hello there. Heres a good story for all you god-lovin' folks out there. Going to mosque (Islamic church) over here is not something that you can just show up to and say "What's up!?" You have to be invited.

So the other day I get the invite, thinking I'm very special of course. When I get to the church I sit in the back and watch as the Muslims pray. Very interesting, just sitting there minding my own business when the elders catch wind that I am there. I don't know why I constantly think that anything I do is not going to be a huge spectacle, because it always is!

They bring me to the front and show me the procedure before praying (you have to wash yourself in a specific way while reciting some Islamic words) and then hold my hand and have me recite certain passages from the Koran. At this time I'm thinking, "Oh lord, what am I getting into!"

After this they give me a new Islamic name and then they give me an Islamic hat, scarf and the white robe and ask me to speak

This in itself is fine, I've spoken in front of people before, no biggie, but this time was different. For those of you who don't know. Muslims pray 5 times a day everyday. Before each prayer session they have a call to prayer which is over this giant loudspeaker, heard throughout the village. So when they ask me to give a little chat, its not to the group in the church, but over the microphone to the entire village!

I stumble through it saying how grateful I am to learn about their religion and be allowed to be there. Thinking I'm just there to learn. After I leave the church and people come up to me "Oh man, I can't believe you're a Muslim now. Wow! This is great! Now you know you have to go to church 5 times a day everyday! You know that right!?"

And I'm thinking to myself, "Whoa dude! I don't really have a religion. But if I did... I would definitely not pick the hardest one to keep up with!" Oh man...

Well, we will see how this goes...

Khoda Hafiz,

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